If you are in the Denver, Aurora, Lakewood area or any where in Colorado; Ali Baba Locksmith can get you a new car key right away. If you lost your car key and need a new key made then we have the ability to make keys to all makes and models. We are experts in car key replacement when it comes to Local cars and foreign cars too including German cars like Mercedes-benz, VW(Volkswagen), BMW, Audi and way more.
If you have a key already and just need a second car key coping then the process of making the key is way easier and way cheaper too.
We provide OEM ( Original keys) and after market keys to all makes and model.
We have the latest technology to make new keys on the spot. Some car key replacements take longer than others for example a Mercedes-Benz Or a BMW will take about hour and sometimes more vs local (American) Cars that take 15 minutes or less.